Local Services

LSC meeting – Every 3rd Sunday of the month at 4pm


Meeting ID: 813 3861 8033

Passcode: 123456

Hospitals and Instituations (H&I)

The purpose of an H&I meeting is to carry the message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings. H&I meetings, except for those in long-term facilities, are intended to introduce those addicts in attendance to the basics of the
NA program.

For more detailed informations please read our NA pamphlet titled “Hospitals and Institutions Service
and the NA Member.

For Professionals-

Are you a professionals interested in learning more about how Hospital and Instituations (H&I) can help you or your facility such as a treatment center, jail, prison, hospital, etc…?

Contact our H&I subcommittee members at hi@fiveriversna.org

For Addicts –

H&I is always looking for addicts who are willing to go into hospitals & institutions and share the message of recovery and the NA program.

If interested please come to the Local Services Subcommittee meeting to get signed up and learn where you can best be of service.

For more information contact our H&I Chairperson: hi@fiveriversna.org

What is Public Relations:

Public Relations

PR helps to increase the awareness of NA by sharing our message with the public at large, those seeking recovery, and professionals.

Please click here for an NA member or group Public Relations survey

Please click here for a public service announcement from NA

What is our message?

The NA message is that an addict, any addict can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live.

How does PR work?

We offer a wide range of services from meeting with professionals, giving presentations, and helping to set up meetings in facilities, jails, and institutions.

We also have informational pamphlets, and books available:

NA: A Resource in Your Community (2010): Provides information on services that may be available to the public.

Information about NA (2010): Contains facts about the history of NA.

Membership Survey (2010): Contains the results of a survey of approximately 12,000 NA members.

If you would like more information, or would like to talk to a Public Relations representative please contact pr@fiveriversna.org


The Outreach Subcommittee is now a part of the Local Services Committee.

LSC meeting – Every 3rd Sunday of the month at 4pm


Meeting ID: 842 4471 3863

If you would like more information, are interested in having a presentation, or would like to talk to a representative please contact us at: fiveriverslsc@gmail.com

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