Welcome to the Five Rivers Area of
Narcotics Anonymous! (FRASCNA)

Five Rivers Information Line: (937) 505-0705
(Serving the Greater Dayton, Ohio region – Montgomery, Greene, Clinton, Highland, Warren counties of Ohio)

updated: 3/22/25
Please click here for an NA member or group Public Relations survey
Please check the meeting schedule page for up to date information:
Please click here for a list of all FRASCNA Narcotics Anonymous meetings in Dayton Ohio
Do you think you’re an addict? If you’re not sure, this questionnaire “Am I an Addict?” might help.
If you are curious to know more about NA we highly recommend that you attend some meetings. If you’re not an addict you can attend an “Open” meeting where non-addicts are welcomed. Our pamphlets can be found at NA World Service and are a great source of information.
The primary purpose of this website is to help addicts find NA meetings in and around this area.
Professionals interested in learning more about how NA can help you or your facility are urged to read our pamphlet “NA: A Resource In Your Community”. Examples of resources are our area subcommittees such as Outreach, Hospitals & Institutions (H & I) or Public Relations. These groups consist of recovering addicts who volunteer their time and experience.
Additional information about addiction, NA approved literature and information about NA in general can be found at NA World Services.
Please click here for a public service announcement from NA
contact info:
Five Rivers Information Line: (937) 505-0705
Our regional help line can be reached toll free at 1-800-587-4232
or contact via email: info@fiveriversna.org
mailing address:
Five Rivers Area of Narcotics Anonymous
PO Box 340121 Beavercreek, OH 45434